
POLICY PLAN (Beleidsplan) 

Board of the Foundation appointed:

as PRESIDENT > The Founder Aleksandra SUCHOWSKA, Director OLA Architecten, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

as SECRETARY > Mr. Hasibullah SHARIFI

as TREASURER > Mrs. Agnieszka FRYŚ 





The remuneration policy

The Board receive no remuneration for their work. 

They are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred in exercising them against the submission of written supporting documents have reasonably made use of their position.

Vacancy money can be allocated to the Board if and insofar as the Tax Authorities allow.


YEAR 2019
> July 19, 2019 > Foundation at Notary > Stichting FUTURE ARCHITECTURE FOUNDATION Media;
> July 29, 2019 > Start organization > Best Futuristic Building of 2019;
> Award ceremony Rotterdam > World Architecture Award > 20 Nov 2019;
> Then expand contacts online & offline;
> Make the website “LIVE”;
> Make the website "INTERACTIVE";
> Other: events, lectures, presentations, publications, news, other activities, maintaining contact;

YEAR 2020
Continuation of the work described under year 2019.

YEAR 2021
Continuation of the activities described under year 2019 and the organization of the new competition "Best Futuristic Building 2021" > Award ceremony Rotterdam > every two years.

YEAR 2022
Continuation of the work described under year 2019 and the organization of the research.

YEAR 2023
Continuation of the work described under year 2019 and the organization of the new competition "Best Futuristic Building 2023" > Award ceremony Rotterdam.


In the future foundation is already known among all architects around the world and provides direction and style for the futuristic (rounded) architecture. Thanks to the foundation many futuristic (rounded) buildings are created in the world and more and more architects are becoming aware of the positive influence of futuristic (rounded) architecture on our (psycho-physical) health, so they also consciously choose to design futuristic (rounded) architecture.

It is a process that is already starting and it will take a very long time before the architects will realize only the futuristic (rounded) architecture.

As a result, people all over the world are positively influenced every day by the futuristic (rounded) buildings, making them all a bit healthier.

Current situation

The Foundation has just begun to exist. The foundation works intensively at the same time to achieve the goals of the Foundation.


The duties of The Board are:

The chairman of the Board acts as chairman of every meeting;
The chairman of the meeting determines whether a vote concerns matters or persons.

Annually, within six months after the end of the financial year, the treasurer draws up a balance sheet regarding the capital of the Foundation and also a statement of income and expenditure relating to the income and expenses of the Foundation for the past financial year, he puts this on paper and he submits this to the board for adoption.

Determination by the Board - if desired after verification by a (registered) accountant - in a meeting [year meeting] of the documents treasurer is going to discharge his financial management for the financial year concerned insofar as that management appears from those documents.

The secretary of the Board keeps the  minutes at every meeting; if he is absent, the meeting will decide who will do this. The meeting adopts the minutes. They are then treated by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting.
Annually, within three months after the end of the financial year, the secretary prepares an annual report. This is discussed at the annual meeting.

The Board can also take all decisions that they can take in a meeting outside of a meeting if: this is done in writing; and each Director has also given a written opinion on the proposal in question. The Board will make a note of each decision thus taken
and signed by the chairman and secretary of the Board.

The Board must keep records of the income and expenses, the assets of the Foundation and everything related to the activities of the Foundation, to the requirements arising from these activities, and to keep records and the related books, documents and other data carriers in such a way that the rights and obligations of the Foundation can be known at all times.

No Director / policymaker may or may dispose of (the) assets of the Foundation as if they were his / her own assets.

Any resolution to amend (including addition to) the Articles of Association, to enter into a merger and to enter into a split, both as referred to in Book 2 of the Civil
Code, in which the Foundation is involved, to convert the Foundation into another legal person and to dissolve the Foundation can only be taken at a meeting that is convened specifically for that purpose and in which all Directors are present, and exclusively by a majority of at least two thirds of the votes cast.

No amendment to the Articles of Association will take effect until it has been included in a notarial deed. Each Board is individually and independently authorized to sign this deed.

In the event of dissolution by decision of the Board, the Directors act as liquidators of the assets of the dissolved Foundation; but the Board may be one or more other liquidators point out.

A possible liquidation balance after liquidation will be spent on behalf of a Public Benefit Institution with a similar objective or on behalf of a foreign institution that almost exclusively serves the public good and that has a similar objective.

The Board may adopt internal rules and one or more other rules and arrange everything therein which, according to the Board, further regulation is required.
A regulation may not determine anything contrary to the Law and / or the Articles of Association.

In all cases not provided for in the Law, the Articles of Association and also the regulations of the Foundation, the Board decides.


The organization has no employees.
The foundation plans to ask the volunteers for help with certain activities and activities.
The foundation plans to form committees such as the jury for support in certain activities.


The foundation has just begun to exist. The foundation immediately works intensively to arrange financial resources. The organization must find the donors & partners / sponsors as soon as possible to collect the financial resources or / and the goods for the activities (the competition). Furthermore, there are no financial notes.

The raising of funds

The funds of the Foundation consist of: what is obtained by inheritance / legacy / donation; contributions in cash of whatever nature, voluntary or otherwise; subsidies, interest and other benefits. The organisation will use the donors contribution to pay for the costs of the projects. The organization raises funds to finance the projects by coming into contact with organizations, institutions, universities, governments, municipalities and companies in the field of futuristic architecture / futuristic building. For example, to realize the competition at the right level, around € 40,000 is required. The foundation is going to ask the right sponsors (partners). For example, the foundation is going to ask the Municipality of Rotterdam if the Burgerzaal could be reserve for the prize-giving ceremony without costs, etc.

Management and spending of assets

The foundation has no assets at the moment.